Birmingham City Council Highlights 11.7.23
The Birmingham City Council has voted unanimously to deny a request for a rezoned property in the Oxmoor Valley Neighborhood following a lengthy public hearing.
During the meeting, over a dozen residents spoke against rezoning the currently undeveloped property located at 3100 and 3060 Oxmoor Road. The plans were to have this be a convenience store/gas station with a quick service restaurant. However, residents said there were already too many gas stations in the area and this was an unwelcomed addition to the corridor.
The Oxmoor Neighborhood Association had already voted down the proposed plan 32-4 of those in attendance. Of all the residents who spoke at the meeting, all of them were against the plan, signaling it would negatively impact the quality of life in the area.
“I have an immense amount of respect for the residents who came down to speak on this and raise the concerns they have with this development,” Councilor Clinton Woods said. “I think it shows what residents can accomplish when they unite and it’s what we love to see. We want to hear from y’all and we want y’all to be involved. I think we have a much better understanding now about what the community wants to see as a whole. I don’t see any overwhelming reason as to why we need to force this new development on a community that does not have a need for it nor do they want it.”
Council President Pro Tem Wardine Alexander, who represents the district, said she was proud of the residents who came and spoke about this issue because their opposition made a big difference.
“We want to ensure that the residents who live in these places where we consider rezoning parcels of land, they deserve to have their voices heard and to have a seat at the table. I want to be sure that we don’t get into a situation where we think we know what’s best for people who have to live by these developments. I’m very glad to see that not be the case here today,” Council President Pro Tem Alexander said.
Here is the item as it appeared on Tuesday’s agenda:
ITEM 1. An Ordinance “TO FURTHER AMEND THE ZONING DISTRICT MAP OF THE CITY OF BIRMINGHAM” (Case No. ZAC2022-00001) to change zone district boundaries from MXD Planned Mixed-Use District to “Q”C-1 Qualified Neighborhood Commercial District, filed by Charles Beavers, applicant, on behalf of the owner, OXMORE USA, INC, for properties located at 3100 and 3060 Shannon Oxmoor Road, and situated - in the NE¼ of Section 06, Township 19-S, Range 3-West, and the hearing of all interested parties. [Second Reading] (Submitted by Councilor Abbott, Chair,
Planning and Zoning Committee) (Recommended by the Z.A.C. and the Planning and Zoning Committee)**