Birmingham City Council District 3

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Forest Park/South Avondale Neighborhood Newsletter - February 2021

Forest Park / South Avondale
Brush and Trash Pick Up

Tuesday, February 2
Tuesday, February 23
Tuesday, March 16

Glass Recycling Option!!!

There is now an option to have your glass recycling picked up for a fee
by Kinetic Recycling.
Get details here:

We are pleased to announce our new website for the Friends of Avondale Park. It can be located at:

Once there, you’ll find improved functionality, more info regarding the
Friends of Avondale Park and the park itself, and an easier process
for becoming a member, which we hope you’ll consider. We look forward
to your visit.

Neal Flum, president
Friends of Avondale Park
Cell:, (205) 239 - 0336
PO Box 131255
Birmingham, Alabama 35213

COVID-19 Vaccine Registration

There is a new, online registration method for Jefferson County residents to be notified when they are eligible to receive the COVID-19 vaccine. To sign up for notification, go here. Currently, Jefferson County is vaccinating frontline healthcare workers, emergency first responders, and anyone over 75 and in other categories of essential workers. The online form is used to inform the Jefferson County Department of Health of one’s intent to take the vaccine once it becomes available for a person, based on the ADPH allocation plan.
Text 888-777 with the message INFOJEFFCO to sign up for COVID-19 vaccine text message updates. You can also call JCDH's hotline at 205-858-2221 for vaccine questions.


Hello Everyone, 

I am pleased to announce the employment of Sherri Nielson as Community Engagement Liaison for District 3. Sherri has a plethora of experience in city government, having served as the Director of the Jazz Hall of Fame and as Manager of Capital Projects for the former Bell Administration. She can hit the ground running because she already knows many of the players at City Hall and more importantly, she knows which closet each of the many City Hall skeletons are located in.

Yes, Chief of Staff, Dr. Darryl Lee continues to serve the district, but he was as busy as a one-armed paper hanger and needed some competent help!  As soon as Sherri is assigned a City cell phone, we will share her number with you.  We still want everyone to call 311 with complaints and problems but if you need specialized assistance, Sherri will be there to help you!



Birmingham Fire and Rescue Services have free fire extinguishers and smoke detectors available for City of Birmingham residents.

Call 205.254.6560 to make an appointment. They will schedule an appointment and install free of cost.The South Precinct non emergency number 254 2793Forest Park and Avondale Park Historic Districts
Design Review Information
When applying for a building/construction permit, the City's database will alert the clerk if your address is within one of the City's historic districts. If you reside in one of the City's historic districts, construction / renovation projects will likely be subject to Birmingham's design review process. Forest Park / South Avondale Neighborhood has two historically designated districts (Forest Park and Avondale Park). These districts are subject to design review when new construction, renovation, repair, and remodel projects affecting the exterior of any structure located within the historic district boundaries. Research has show that property values are greater for homes located in historic districts, especially districts that are subject to design review.

When City permitting personnel determines that your proposed renovation/construction project is within a historic district, you will be referred to City's design review personnel for a determination if the repairs, construction etc. are subject to review by the City and local design review committees.

If your case is subject to design review, you will be given a date to present your case to the City's design review committee. You will also be referred to your local "Neighborhood" committee for review. The local committee will schedule your case prior to the date set for review by the City's committee.

Local design review committees are made up of historic district residents with the requirement that at least 2 members of the committee are architects. Local committees make findings and recommendations that are submitted to the City committee. The findings and recommendations of the local committee are binding and can only be overturned by a two thirds majority of the City's design review committee.

As a work of caution, if you think your residence is located within one of Forest Park / South Avondale Neighborhood's Historic Districts, DO NOT purchase materials or commence exterior renovations/construction prior to a determination whether your project is subject to the City's design review process. If your materials / design are not approved during the process, you may not be able to recoup the expense for materials and / or construction labor.