Birmingham City Council District 3

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Information about the March 2020 Forest Park and South Avondale NEighborhood

Forest Park / South Avondale Neighborhood Association
March 2020 Meeting 
Tuesday, March 10 at 6:30 p.m. in the Avondale Library

Agenda items include:

1.  Monthly Report from the South Precinct.
2.  Monthly Report from Public Works Inspector Mary Gunnerson, 
3.  Report on Progress of Clairmont Av. Bus Stop.
4.  Update on Avondale Park Rose Garden renovation from Friends of Avondale Park representative.
5.  Update on Altamont Park renovation from Sunrise Rotary representative.
6.  Monthly update from School Board Representative, Mary Boehm.
7.  Monthly update from Councilor Darrell O'Quinn. (Update on 41st St. Project)
8.  Monthly update from Councilor Valerie Abbott.

Minutes from February Neighborhood Association Meeting
February 4, 2020, Avondale Library

The meeting was called to order by Jeff McGee, president, at 6:33pm.

Mary Gunnerson, of Birmingham Public Works, reported on neighborhood repairs, both completed and in progress.  Ms Gunnerson shared city literature on yard and rubbish pick up service.  Highlights include ALL LEAVES AND YARD CLIPPINGS MUST BE BAGGED.  In addition, tree branches and brush may not exceed 4 feet in length or 8 inches in diameter.  The next trash and brush pick up is scheduled for 2/25 - every 3rd Tuesday.  Neighbors reported a number of issues including a poorly filled pothole, rubbish piles, missing stop signs and a knocked over street sign.

Sam Parker shared a letter from the BJCTA Special Project Coordinator, Wtangy Peak-Finney re the Clairmont Avenue bus shelter.  Jeff McGee read the letter:  The contracts have been signed by all parties and are awaiting Mayor Woodfin’s signature.  Contractors are securing permits, and construction is anticipated in the next 2 1/2 weeks. 

Jeff McGee shared a letter from the Birmingham Park and Recreation Director.  The 11th World Games, an International multi-sport event, will use Avondale Park for archery events on July 15-25, 2021.

A 15’ setback variance request was brought for 3805 5th Ave. So., for a legal non-conforming house (built prior to current zoning code.). The advisory board heard the request prior to the meeting and recommended approval.  A motion for approval was made by Martha Council, seconded by Jimmy Johns and passed unanimously without further discussion.

Mary Boehm, School Board Representative, introduced David Seale, the new Avondale Elementary Principal.  Mr Seale has extensive experience in both the classroom and as an administrator, and comes to Avondale after 13 months of acting as a curriculum coach for the BCS.  Mr Seale expressed excitement for the job, promised to bring stability to the school, and acknowledged the importance of “inherited leadership.”  He also expressed his commitment to the students’ social and emotional needs in addition to academic needs.  

An officer from the South Precinct addressed the neighborhood, reminding everyone to be aware of their surroundings and not allow themselves to be a target.  When questioned about the recent homicide in our neighborhood (apartments on 5th Ave.), the officer was not able to provide further details.  A neighbor requested more officer drive-by on the back side of avondale park, around Woodvale.

Cory Pettway spoke to neighbors on behalf on Councilor O’Quinn’s office.  Their office is still waiting on traffic engineers report regarding 41st St project.  The head of Bhm Department of Transportation, James Fowler, was invited by Councilor O’Quinn to come to our meeting and address our questions.  He was unavailable.  Councilor O’Quinn’s office will continue to stay on top of them, but neighbors are encouraged to send communications directly to Mr. Fowler (squeaky wheel).  Another big initiative, the zip and shared micromobility transportation ordinance, will be on the council agenda next week.  They anticipate more providers of e-bikes and scooters to be up and running this Spring, as well as planned bike lanes.  “Build relationships by speaking to other movers from your bike.”

Councilor Valerie Abbott  reported on the City Council meeting earlier in the day.  The World Games are coming and that is good news for the neighborhood.  The Park will get fixed up so it looks nice for all that attention.  “Don’t be a Dummy” program to address illegal dumping is up and running.  Check out the city website, and help curb any illegal dumping you witness.  After all, its your tax money that must clean up their mess.  A new pilot sanitation program is starting soon, with city provided cans and mechanical lifts.  There was discussion amongst neighbors regarding the garbage problem in the City, particularly in other neighborhoods.

Chris Morrow, FOAP Board Member, presented an expanded proposal for the renovation of the Avondale Park rose garden to the neighborhood.  The costs to establish the garden, including irrigation system and planting, are estimated to be a little over $40,000.  The annual maintenance costs are estimated at @$11,000.  The goal for completion has been amended to before the start of the World Games in 2021.  They would however like to do a partial planting in the Fall.  The FOAP Board has committed $7500 to the project, and requested the neighborhood match their funds.  Jeff McGee informed the neighborhood that the Advisory Board heard their request prior to the meeting.  The neighborhood funds are required by the City to be spent on capital expenses.  It is the recommendation of the advisory board that we approve the matching funds of $7500 contingent on the FOAP getting approval by the City and the funds going towards a capital expenditure of the project.  Axel Barron made a motion to approve the funds with those contingencies.  The motion was seconded by Mary Boehm, and with no further discussion, passed unanimously.  Councilor Abbott stated she would match the funding as well, and contribute $7500 to the rose garden project.

Jeff McGee reminded neighbors that next month is an election, so our meeting will be moved back a week.  Our next meeting will be Tuesday, March 10th, at 6:30pm in Avondale Library.

There being no further business the meeting adjourned at 7:35pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Elizabeth Crawford