Birmingham City Council District 3

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Read the Latest News from the Birmingham City Council

Council Census Committee

The 2020 Census is right around the corner and your Birmingham City Council has been working to make sure all residents have the resources and knowledge to participate. Having an accurate population count will help dictated future City Council redistricting, federal funding and statewide Congressional apportionment. 

Micromobility Ordinance

Increasing access to transportation has been a major focus of the Birmingham City Council. Over the last few years, the Transportation Committee has been working with local stakeholders and rideshare companies in an effort to ensure these services are safe and fair for residents. The Council is working on an ordinance that would open the door for micromobility companies to operate in Birmingham

LED Streetlight Improvements 

Birmingham is a little brighter than it was a few years ago. In partnership with the City, Alabama Power has completed an upgrade to the 30,000 streetlights across all nine districts.

In January, the Public Improvements Committee received an update on the LED light replacement and discussed the next steps to add more lighting across all nine districts.

Body Camera Upgrades For Police

The Birmingham Police Department will soon be deploying a new generation of body cameras following an agreement approved by the City Council on January 16. The new cameras will be purchased using federal grant money. Councilor Hunter Williams, chair of the Public Safety Committee, said the upgrades are in line with efforts to take a more "data-driven" approach to law enforcement in Birmingham.

Councilor Woods Partnering To Bring High-Speed Rail Conference To Birmingham

A conference to discuss the feasibility of connecting Birmingham to the I-20 eXpress high-speed rail line will take place in March. Councilor Clinton Woods is partnering with the planning and development firm, the Finley Group, in order to educate the public on the topic and how Birmingham could benefit from the project.

*This info was prepared and written by members of the Birmingham City Council Staff.