Gay/Bisexual Men in Southeast US 50+ with Serious Illness:
UAB wants to hear your voices!
In full partnership with the LGBT community in the Southeast, UAB is working to hear the voices of older (50+) LGBT people in the Southeast to hear of their experiences and their wishes. It’s UAB’s long-term goal to then work in partnership with the LGBT community to create a healthcare training program to train clinicians who provide care to our community members. UAB has met with and heard the perspectives of older lesbians and their caregivers; they are meeting with transgender men and women and now are ready to hear from older (50+) gay/bisexual African American and white men. They really need to hear the voices of older African-American and white gay/bisexual men with serious illnesses to hear of their experiences in the healthcare system and their recommendations for how healthcare is provided to gay/bisexual men based on the community’s values and lived experiences.
Benefiting AIDS Alabama
Bring your friends, bring your pups, and join supporters of AIDS Alabama at Hi-Wire brewing! A percentage of all flagship beer sales will benefit the life-saving, life-affirming services provided by AIDS Alabama.
Free Community Vision Screenings
El Centro / The Hub at AIDS Alabama is excited to partner with Central Alabama Pride and the UAB School of Optometry’s Spectrum Club to provide free vision screenings to members of the community!
National Women and Girls HIV/AIDS Awareness Brunch
March 11th - National Women and Girls HIV/AIDS Awareness Day Brunch: This event will raise awareness for HIV prevention, treatment, and education for women and girls. It is open to all women and girls ages 10 and up. There will be free food, raffle gifts, and a wonderful speaker. Please RSVP or call with any questions or concerns (205-918-8183).