Gay/Bisexual Men in Southeast US 50+ with Serious Illness:
UAB wants to hear your voices!
In full partnership with the LGBT community in the Southeast, UAB is working to hear the voices of older (50+) LGBT people in the Southeast to hear of their experiences and their wishes. It’s UAB’s long-term goal to then work in partnership with the LGBT community to create a healthcare training program to train clinicians who provide care to our community members. UAB has met with and heard the perspectives of older lesbians and their caregivers; they are meeting with transgender men and women and now are ready to hear from older (50+) gay/bisexual African American and white men. They really need to hear the voices of older African-American and white gay/bisexual men with serious illnesses to hear of their experiences in the healthcare system and their recommendations for how healthcare is provided to gay/bisexual men based on the community’s values and lived experiences.
Benefiting AIDS Alabama
Bring your friends, bring your pups, and join supporters of AIDS Alabama at Hi-Wire brewing! A percentage of all flagship beer sales will benefit the life-saving, life-affirming services provided by AIDS Alabama.