Birmingham City Council Highlights 9.27.22

Birmingham City Council Highlights 9.27.22

Here are a few of the legislative highlights from Tuesday’s Birmingham City Council meeting, in case you missed it.


Following a lengthy discussion about future expansion plans, the Birmingham City Council voted to approve a contract extension with River North Transit LLC to provide rideshare services with Birmingham On-Demand.

Since first coming online in 2019, the service has provided an additional transportation option within the limits of the initial program boundaries, which includes as far West as the CrossPlex and extends downtown, with access to hospitals and grocery stores.

Several Councilors highlighted the fact that they would like to see the service extended to Eastern portions of the City, a plan that has been in discussion for some time. Tuesday’s vote was to continue the current service with expansion plans expected to be presented to the Council in October.

Councilor Darrell O’Quinn, who chairs the Transportation Committee, said that the item was recommended to the Council following a presentation at Monday’s committee meeting. However, there was some hesitation from members of the committee.

“We were considering the FY 2023 Budget and the allocation for this program. The Council was unified in their desire to see this program expanded to other areas of the city,” O’Quinn said. “The hesitation comes from the fact this contract does not expand that footprint…I feel confident that everyone involved wants to get to a consensus and to a point where we can move forward with providing this service to more communities.”

Also worth noting is that the BJCTA is currently considering plans to contract with River North Transit to bring on-demand rideshare services to supplement their existing public transportation services.

Councilors noted they would like to see coordination between the City and the BJCTA to maximize their service area and provide more transportation options for residents.

Here is the item as it appeared on Tuesday’s agenda:

ITEM 35: A Resolution authorizing the Mayor to execute and deliver an Agreement for Microtransit Services between River North Transit, LLC, a wholly owned subsidiary of VIA TRANSPORTATION, INC, and the City of Birmingham to provide transportation services, along with the technology, and professional services for the design, marketing, launch, operation, maintenance and performance evaluation for a period not to exceed three (3) years for an amount not to exceed $2,640,000.00 per year

Below is a rendering of the current Birmingham On-Demand Service Zone


The Council unanimously approved a service agreement between the City, the Birmingham Board of Education and IMC Financial Consulting in which the group will provide financial literacy courses to BCS students.

The courses seek to address an issue that has frequently been brought up, and that is teaching students the importance of managing finances, credit scores and building wealth. Too often students are graduating high school without the knowledge they need to be able to manage their money properly. Several Councilors gave firsthand accounts of how they did not understand finances until after finishing school.

“One of the things we want to make sure we’re doing for our young people is give them skills they need to be successful in this complicated financial landscape we’re in currently,” said Dr. Mark Sullivan, Superintendent of the Birmingham City Schools. “I’m so excited about this financial freedom opportunity we will be able to present to our students and what it will mean for our future.”

“I just want to say thank you to everyone involved with bringing this to our young people. When I first started working I was just focused on getting paid until I received a W2 and was a little confused about what I needed to do,” Councilor JT Moore said from the dais. “Having a program like this gives our children the opportunity many of us didn't have and that is to better understand finances, taxes and all the things we have to navigate as adults. I applaud this effort and look forward to seeing it in all our schools eventually.”

Here is the item as it appeared on Tuesday’s agenda:

ITEM 30 A Resolution approving and authorizing the Mayor to execute, for and as the act of said City, an Agreement for Consulting Services between the City of Birmingham, the Birmingham Board of Education and IMC Financial Consulting, LLC, under which the Birmingham Board of Education and IMC Financial Consulting, LLC will implement a financial literacy initiative called the “Financial Freedom Project” to provide financial literacy and financial education to Birmingham City Schools for an amount not to exceed $1,000,000.00 for a term on one (1) year.