Collat Jewish Family Services -August News

CJFS Summer Intern Reflects on the Challenges of Aging

by Emily Bebenek

Birmingham resident Emily Bebenek, a rising junior at Wake Forest University, worked as a Hillel Connections intern this summer with our Development and Outreach team. Here, Emily reflects on a family trip that opened her eyes to the challenges of aging and caregiving.    

While my family lives in Birmingham, and my cousins set up shop in Pasadena, California, my grandparents live for and in Madison, Wisconsin. Lifelong Badger fans and advocates, they refuse to be parted from their beloved city. Even convincing them to sell their house and move into a retirement community was a year-long debate. But my grandparents are 92 and 86, and being so far from family hasn’t been easy, especially with recent complications in my grandfather’s health... 

When is it Time to Consider Long-Term Care for a Loved One?

by Pam Leonard

The decision to move a family member into a long-term care facility can be difficult.

Family caregivers often feel guilty when they begin considering such a move. They may feel it is their responsibility to care for their loved one home. They may be concerned that a facility will not be able to care for their loved one properly and that the move will diminish their family member’s happiness and quality of life...

CJFS 2021 Annual Report 

Our 2021 Annual Report is here! 

The impact that CJFS has on our community is a direct result of the support we receive from YOU! We are grateful to have made a difference in the lives of so many last year, and we are proud to continue that work year over year.  Take a look at the Annual Report to see how the CJFS mission was furthered in 2021.