Collat Jewish Family Services -September News-

Reducing Caregiver Stress

by Elaine Witt

First, her mother fell and broke her hip, leading to a partial joint replacement. Then she fell again, this time fracturing her arm. That was when Maria Whiting knew it was time to move her mother, 79-year-old Blanche Taylor, from her home in Pensacola to Birmingham, where Maria has lived since the late 1990s.

“At first, I brought her home to live with me and then it wasn’t very long until an apartment opened up for her at Episcopal Place,” Maria said. When she and her mother were signing the papers for Episcopal Place, a subsidized senior housing community off Highland Avenue, the staff recognized Mrs. Taylor’s frailty and recommended the CJFS Personal Care program...

Understanding Your Child's Anxiety

by Jennifer Bradley, LPC

As a therapist for 25 years, I have had the privilege to work with adults and children of all ages, and I have been seeing some changes in our children’s mental health. This generation has a problem, and it's anxiety.

There is a cloud of anxiety that is hovering over our children for so many reasons: the pandemic and the premature introduction to death, wars, homeland terrorism, the opioid/drug epidemic, major political unrest, racial division, riots… and that’s just in the last two years. Whew!...

The 2022 CJFS Friends Campaign is Underway!

The 2022 CJFS Friends Campaign is well underway and we are 27% of the way towards our goal!  Co-Chairs Natalie Asman and Steve Royal know how important CJFS services are to our community. Natalie shares,

"It has been a privilege to help raise funds for this year's CJFS Friends Campaign. There are so many worthwhile programs that help the elderly and other individuals with needs in the Birmingham community.

When my parents needed caregiving and I needed support with some health issues, the counselors at CJFS were so invaluable to me and to my family."


Our FRIENDS are what make CJFS programs and services possible for those who need us the most-- We hope you will join us as FRIEND this year!