City Council Meeting Recap-January 28th, 2020

Here are the main items the Birmingham City Council passed at the January 28th, 2020 Meeting:

Item 10

  • A resolution was approved authorizing the Mayor to expend funds for up to 3 neighborhood representatives from each of Birmingham’s 99 neighborhoods to attend the Neighborhood USA (NUSA) Conference in Little Rock, Arkansas from May 20-23, 2020.

Items 29-34

  • The Council voted to reschedule a public hearing for the rezoning of six properties located around the former Carraway Hospital campus. The public hearing will be held during the regularly scheduled City Council Meeting on February 25.

Item 38 and 43 (addendum items) 

  • Two resolutions were approved on Tuesday by the Birmingham City Council related to potentially hosting several major sporting events -- the World Police and Fire Games as well as the NCAA Men’s and Women’s Basketball Tournament.

  • The Council approved a resolution that will allow the City to potentially submit a bid to host the 2025 World Police and Fire Games, an Olympic-style sporting event for roughly 10,000 active and retired police and fire personnel. There will be over 70 countries that are represented and teams will compete in over 60 sporting events. Past host countries include China, Spain, Australia, Sweden, and Northern Ireland.

  • The item dealing with the NCAA tournament was a resolution of intent to provide funding for the event beginning in 2023 and to open the bid process. Birmingham has hosted the NCAA Tournament on 10 different occasions, the last being early-round games in 2008.

Upcoming Meetings

Thursday, January 30, 2020

3:00 p.m. – Joint Special Called Transportation Committee Meeting and Special Called Committee of the Whole Meeting – City Council Chambers

4:00 p.m. – Special Called Committee of the Whole Meeting - Conference Rooms “D & E”

Saturday, February 1, 2020

10:00 a.m. – District 1 Quarterly Meeting – St. Vincent’s East, 50 Medical Park Dr E – Councilor Clinton Woods, District 1

Monday, February 3, 2020

12:30 p.m. – Joint Parks and Recreation Committee and Special Called Committee of the Whole Meeting – City Council Chambers

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

9:00 a.m. – Pre-Council Meeting – City Council Chambers; 9:30 a.m. – Council Meeting – City Council Chambers

2:00 p.m. – Joint Public Improvements Committee and Special Called Committee of the Whole Meeting - Conference Room “A”

3:30 p.m. – Joint Public Safety Committee and Special Called Committee of the Whole Meeting - City Council Chambers