Frequently Asked Questions for the new Recycle Birmingham Cart Program

Frequently Asked Questions for the new Recycle Birmingham Cart Program


How do I get a recycling cart? Please go here to complete the form.


When will I get my cart? City crews started delivering carts on Aug. 17. If you have not received your cart yet, please be patient. The delivery of carts is taking time as DPW works to confirm addresses on applications before finalizing delivery. What we have found is that some people have been submitting requests for carts two and three times. Other requests are coming from apartments. Homes will only get one cart. At this time, apartments, duplexes, churches and businesses are not eligible for this program. 

Please know that your request for a cart is important, and crews are working to make sure that the addresses are correct before deliveries are made. This process will take some time, as the city works to make sure everything is accurate.

Once residents receive a cart, they cannot start using it until Sept. 11, which is the first date that the carts can be used. If you have not received your cart by mid-September, please send an email to .  In your email, say that you registered for a cart but did not receive a cart. Provide your name, address and a good phone number so that someone may follow up with you. (When you applied for a cart, you should have received an automatic email that thanked you for registering. After that, DPW will look at applications to confirm the address and plan for delivery. Again, DPW is continuously working on routes for delivery.)


What can I recycle? A list of what is acceptable and not acceptable can be found at Acceptable items include plastic bottles, paper, etc. Non-acceptable items include glass, plastic bags, pizza boxes, detergent bottles, etc. Please do not put recyclables in plastic bags and put them into the cart. Place all recyclables into the cart without a bag holding them. Flatten boxes and cardboard to save space in your cart.


Do the items need to be cleaned before I put them in the cart? Yes, it's important to rinse or clean items before placing them into the recycling cart. Items such as plastic containers and cans should be emptied and rinsed to remove food residue. They should also be dried. This helps prevent contamination in the recycling stream and ensures that the materials can be properly recycled.


If I already have a recycling bin, do I have to get this new recycling cart? Residents currently using their old container to recycle may continue to use that container for now. But in the future, any resident interested in recycling in Birmingham will likely be required to use the city-issued, 64-gallon cart. Recycling is 100 percent voluntary. We will update recycling participants when this changes. A notice will also be shared on


Can apartment dwellers get a recycling cart? Currently, this program is only for single-family residential; one house on one piece of property.  But the city’s Department of Public Works is looking at apartments and multi-dwelling units for future phases. See answer below for what individuals not in the city's recycling program can do. 


How can businesses and churches participate in the city’s recycling program?  The new blue recycling carts are NOT available for businesses or churches. Anyone with a desire to recycle from any of these locations can take their recyclables to drop-off locations such as Birmingham Recycling and Recovery, 9 – 41st Street South, Birmingham, AL 35222 or UAB Recycling, 620 - 11th St. South, Birmingham, AL, 35294. These two locations are NOT associated with the City of Birmingham, and they cannot answer calls about the city’s recycling program.

If you have questions related specifically to Birmingham Recycling and Recovery, their number is 205-591-8201. They are open Monday – Friday from 7 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.

UAB’s Recycling Center is open Monday – Thursday, 7 to 9 a.m. and 4 to 5:30 p.m. Their website is Their phone number is connected to the school’s Facilities Dispatch. When you call 205-934-9675, stay on the line until you are transferred to a dispatcher to answer your question.


I have a lot to recycle. If I put a cardboard box full of recyclables next to my new recycling cart, will the city collect recyclables from both? For right now, yes. Once we have enough carts for all participants, the city will require all recyclables to go into the city-issued cart. An announcement will be made once this requirement starts.


When does the city recycle? The first and third Wednesday of the month. However, the new carts will not be able to be used until Wednesday, Sept. 11 and again on Sept. 18.


If I don't receive a recycling cart by Sept. 11, can I still recycle the old way I was doing it? Yes. 


If I signed up for a recycling cart and received notice that I will get a cart, will the city deliver it or do I have to pick it up? The city will deliver the cart. 


What happens if I put my recycling cart out on the curb before Sept. 11?  The city’s Department of Public Works will started delivering carts on Aug. 17. If you have not received yours yet and you've already requested one, please be patient. The delivery process will take some time as DPW works to confirm addresses before making a delivery. When they drop off a cart, they will leave it at the resident's curb in front of their home. Once the resident receives the cart, they should only put it at the curb for pick up the night prior to the recycling service date. If a user continuously leaves it out at the curb on non-pickup days, the user will be given a warning.  If this continues, recycling service can be discontinued for this home.


Is there an opt-in process for recycling pick up after I receive my new recycling cart?  No. Signing up online puts you in the system.  Once you receive your cart, remember that you can start using the cart on Sept. 11. If you receive the cart after Sept. 11, the next recycling day will be Sept. 18. Remember that the city recycles every first and third Wednesday. But holidays, such as the one happening in September, can adjust the schedule. The recycling schedule for October 2024 will be Oct. 2 and Oct. 16. 


We used to have recycling every week. Can we go back to that? We are looking at that option. But for now, we are doing recycling twice a month. If something changes, we will let residents know.


Can residents get more than one of the new recycling carts?  No, not at this time. Each household is eligible to receive only one recycling cart to ensure that all participating households can be accommodated.


What happens if someone intentionally places household trash into the blue recycling cart and uses the recycling cart on trash day? Will there be penalties?  Violators will receive one documented warning. The next time it occurs, the cart will be removed from that location and that household will no longer be able to participate in the program. These recycling carts are not for household trash. We have a separate cart for weekly household trash collection. If you need the green household garbage cart, please visit for details or send an email to


I see that you don’t take plastic bags or glass for recycling. Where can I take these? Consider dropping off your plastic bags at Lowe’s or Home Depot. They usually have collection areas in the front of the store. So far as glass, please visit They are NOT connected to the City of Birmingham, but they do offer subscription residential glass recycling in Birmingham. Visit their FAQ page at


How can I dispose of my electronics and household hazardous waste if the city does not accept these? Residents can dispose of their electronics and household hazardous waste at designated drop-off events hosted by the city or at specific facilities that accept these items. It’s important not to place these items in regular trash or recycling bins, as they require special handling due to potentially hazardous materials. The next county-wide electronics recycling day will be held on Oct. 19, 2024 from 8 to 11:30 a.m. at Camp Ketona, 121 County Shop Road, Birmingham, AL 35217 and Camp Bessemer, 3295 King Street, Bessemer, AL. Organizers will also collect hazardous waste, televisions and do paper shredding. Call 205-325-8741 for more information.  


What do I do if my recycling cart is stolen? Can I get a new one or do I have to pay for one?  The city only has a limited number of carts available at this point. So, no replacements will be available at this time. 


I see some white numbers on the front of the cart. What are those for?  It’s a serial number that is similar to a vehicle’s vin number.  It is tied to a specific address. So, if someone tries to use it in a different location, it can be identified. These numbers help the city track and manage the recycling carts.


I want a cart, but the online form now says there is a waiting list.  What should I do? Everyone who has signed up for a cart as of Aug. 19 and fits the qualifications to get a cart, should get a recycling cart. DPW crews are checking addresses to confirm they are correct. Once they are confirmed, the addresses will be slated for delivery. The delivery process is taking some time, and we ask residents to remain patient as crews deliver carts. If you have questions or concerns, please send an email to