Northside-Southside Framework Plan - Meeting Update

Good Afternoon Northside-Southside Residents, 

We have had a small change of venue for the Framework Plan meeting, it is still at Protective Stadium, but it has been moved to the Recruiting Room.

The Recruiting Room is at the South Gate of Protective Stadium, across from the Uptown restaurants. They will have staff at the original location (Club Level Meeting Room) to guide anyone who gets lost.

I also want to clarify that the City is not rezoning anything. Right now, we are meeting to discuss the Framework Plan and the Future Land Use Plan (FLUP).

The FLUP is not zoning. 

A good way to look at the process is to think of the Future Land Use Plan like knives, forks and spoons. Right now, we are just sorting knives, forks and spoons.

We will come back at a later date and begin the rezoning process, where we take the forks and begin to classify them as entrée, dessert, salad, oyster etc.

The rezoning process will be a much more detailed process where our team will come to each neighborhood separately to meet, and we will have multiple meetings with the Framework community as a whole, we hope to start this process in April or May. We use the FLUP as a general guide for rezoning, but we understand that there will be properties here and there that will need a different zoning than the land use map corresponds with, this is normal and something we expect.

Please let me know if you have any questions. If anyone would like to stop by and discuss the FLUP or anything about this process our door is always open, let us know and we will set up our conference room with the maps and make ourselves available. 

I look forward to seeing everyone on February 8th!

Have a great rest of your week!  

Jess Blankenship Mays  (she/her)

Senior Planner

Planning, Engineering, and Permits

City of Birmingham

Phone: 205 – 254 - 2344

710 20th St N Birmingham, AL 35203

Room 500

